This year started with me working on web development/windows 8 development projects for Sopra Steria, and is ending with me finishing my Software Engineering Master’s first semester at Carnegie Mellon University (I repeat: Carnegie, Mellon, University. Even I still get that tingle from the name, and can’t quite believe it yet, although now I also get bad memories of sleep-deprivation and roommate quarrels, but also good ones of secret Santa and cupcakes!).

^ CMU (not Central Michigan University. NOPE.)

^ Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering

^ Secret Santa and cupcakes with friends

So yeah, a lot happened!

However now I ended up vacationing in Germany for 3 weeks for Christmas, with long days to fill with useful activities. So those articles are coming! Some will be old ones I drafted but never finished, most will tell the magic tales of a Tunisian 28-year old’s adventures in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (me, I think I might be the only one there with this description).

So here we go!